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1. 有身材就現吧

There will now build it

2. 學習快樂的跟自己相處

Happy to learn to get along with their

3. 多自拍

More self-timer

4. 不要害怕擦鮮紅的口紅

Do not be afraid to rub red lipstick

5. 不要一直為你做的每件事道歉

Do not have to apologize for everything you do

6. 學會寵壞自己

Spoil yourself

7. 穿性感的內褲

Wear sexy underwear

8. 逼自己照鏡子找出你喜歡的東西

Force myself to look in the mirror to find something you like

9. 不要一直看那完美女人的instagram多看自己的

Do not watch the perfect woman has to look his instagram

10. 多跟正面能量的人在一起

More people together with positive energy

11. 不要留香檳給特別場合,今天就是!

Do not leave the champagne for special occasions because today is

12. 打扮自己就算你不想

Even if you do not want to dress up yourself

13. 不要跟別人比較

Do not compare with others

14. 嘗試新的流行

Try the new popular

15. 多聊自己的不安全感

More talk own insecurities

16. 給自己設目標認真去做到

Give yourself a serious effort to achieve goals

17. 多花時間在睫毛上

Spend more time on the eyelashes

18. 三不五時提醒自己的優點

From time to time to remind ourselves of the advantages

19. 聽成功女人的話

Listen to the words of successful women

20. 做自己不敢做的事

Do not do their own thing





來自日本 全新愛情體驗